The Case Against Black Friday Discounts in the Firearms Training Industry

The Case Against Black Friday Discounts in the Firearms Training Industry

As the holiday season approaches each year, many businesses gear up for the annual Black Friday frenzy, enticing customers with unbeatable discounts and promotions. However, at ITA, we believe in a different approach for our partner training centres. While the idea of boosting sales through Black Friday deals might seem tempting, we want to shed light on the potential pitfalls that can have lasting repercussions on your business.

1. Negative Impact of Black Friday Marketing:

Participating in Black Friday promotions often attracts a specific type of customer – the bargain hunter. These individuals are primarily driven by price and are less likely to exhibit brand loyalty. In essence, they’ll jump ship to the next best deal, even if it’s offered by your competitor. By catering to this demographic, you risk rewarding brand disloyalty.

2. Alienating High-Value Customers:

Focusing on price-centric promotions runs the risk of alienating your high-value customers. Those who value the quality of your services and products may be put off by the perception that your business is willing to compromise on standards for the sake of a quick sale.

3. Perceived Quality Implications:

The allure of cheap pricing can inadvertently convey a message about the quality of your offerings. Customers might associate lower prices with inferior products or services, impacting their overall impression of your business.

4. Unsustainability and Hidden Costs:

Offering steep discounts may not cover the true cost to your business. The flood of activity generated by bargain hunters can bring unforeseen costs and challenges that outweigh the short-term gains of Black Friday sales.

5. Industry-wide Pressure:

Participating in Black Friday creates a ripple effect across the industry. It puts pressure on all service providers to match those prices, potentially compromising the sustainability of a fair pricing model that supports the long-term success of your training centre.

6. Long-Term Customer Value:

Customers attracted solely by cheap courses may not be able to afford more advanced offerings down the line. This poses a risk to the long-term value these customers bring to your business.

7. Maintaining Standards and Legal Standing:

Perhaps most critically, cheap courses may attract individuals with less-than-savoury intentions in the firearms industry. At ITA, we believe it’s imperative to maintain a standard of excellence and legal standing within the industry. Participating in Black Friday may inadvertently compromise these essential principles.


The ITA Advantage: Fair Pricing All Year Round

At ITA, we pride ourselves on offering fair pricing throughout the year to support a sustainable business model for our partner training centres. We believe that the risks associated with Black Friday promotions outweigh the short-term gains and may compromise the integrity and sustainability of your business.

Long-Term Customer Value

Customers attracted solely by Black Friday deals may not be able to afford more advanced courses or quality firearms and accessories down the line. This affects the long-term value they bring to your business.

Maintaining Standards and Legal Standing

Cheap courses may attract individuals with unsavoury intentions in the firearms industry. It is crucial for us to maintain a standard of excellence and legal standing within the industry, and participating in Black Friday may compromise this objective.


As your partners in success, we encourage you to consider the long-term impact of Black Friday promotions on your business. Our fair pricing model is designed to provide sustained growth and value for your training centre. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to discuss alternative marketing strategies for the holiday season, please feel free to reach out to us.